Monday, 24 September 2012 - Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with WWE Champion CM Punk and Paul Heyman in the ring. Punk is sitting in a chair while Heyman takes the mic.
Heyman says this show is coming to a halt right now, Heyman says RAW won’t happen this evening until justice is served. Heyman shows us footage from last week where the referee made a bad count on Punk with his feet on the ropes.
Heyman says calls it a grand injustice on Punk’s title reign. Heyman calls out the referee fromlast week and refers to him by hisname Brad Maddox. Heyman wants the man to tender his resignation live on RAW. Maddox makes his way out.
Jim Ross and Michael Cole are on commentary. Maddox speaks and admits he made a mistake. He says it was his first main event match and he was nervous. He says he should have checked the ropes and he feels terrible. Heyman applauds him for admitting his mistakes. Heyman wants him to resign. The crowd chants no. Maddox apologizes again but says that’s not appropriate. Punk interrupts him and he’s upset. Punk says Maddox should be ashamed. Punk says Maddox also embarrassed him on his own show. Punk asks him who he is and how did he get his job. Punk asks how Maddox pretends to be a man. Maddox says WWE needed more referees when RAW went to three hours. Heyman interrupts him and runs him down. Heyman hands him a sleep mask with the WWE and NFL logos on it. Punk brings up AJ Lee and out comes the RAW General Manager.
AJ thanks Maddox and sends him to the back. Heyman assumes she’s out here to reverse the decision from last week. AJ says Heyman makes an ass out of himself and her when he assumes. AJ says the referee made a mistake but she’s not going to let them come out here, berate an official and hold her show hostage. AJ asks Heyman who the hell he thinks he is. Punk says he’s the WWE Champion and the crowd boos. Punk says he’s the reason AJ has a job. He’s the reason the fans are here. Punk brings up his past with AJ and shows some footage of her proposing 2 months ago. Punk says that’s why there’s so much tension and that’s why she sent the referee to screw him. Punk says if she forgets the match happened then he will forget her showing up to RAW wearing his t-shirt and he will forget the hundreds of text messages she would send him. Punk asks if he’s embarrassing her. Punk tells AJ to let everyone know how intimate they were behind closed doors. Punk says he is the reason there’sa skip in her step. Punk wants AJ to tell everyone he’s the best in the world. Heyman and Punk have their own little conversation.
Heyman says he’s got this.
The crowd chants for Punk now. Heyman takes the mic and drops to one knee in front of AJ. He asks her to marry him. Heyman promises her wildest fantasies of power will be realized. Heyman tells her to think of all the power couples they will trump. Punk smiles as Heyman goes on. Heyman says they will be the most influential couple in WWE history. Heyman says he can come up with all the ideas while AJ takes credit for his brilliance. Heyman says he likes them young, dumb, uninhibited and ambitious. Heyman smiles and holds his arms out, still on one knee. AJ smacks him to the mat and walks out of the ring, straight to the back. Punk helps Heyman up as JR calls him a slimeball. - Still to come tonight, an exclusive interview with Jerry Lawler. We go to commercial.
- Brad Maddox is backstage with another referee when AJ walks up. Maddox promises he won’t make the same mistake again. AJ assures him it won’t because if it does, she will personally see to it that he never works in this business again. AJ says he embarrassed him when she put him in the main event and he made her look like an idiot. AJ looks crazy as she says this. Maddox apologizes some more and walks off. AJ snaps out of it and starts smiling.
*Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Ziggler ducks. Ziggler tosses Kofi upside down into the corner. Ziggler hits Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
- We go ringside to JR and Cole. They talk about John Cena having elbow surgery last week. Cena is here live tonight and will speak about his future later. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a look back at Friday’s SmackDown with Kane and Daniel Bryan. Cole says Dr. Shelby introduced a new form of therapy earlier today. We go to a local restaurant and Shelby is eating with Bryan. Shelby has a role playing exercise for them to do. Kane walks over wearing an apron and he asks Bryan to take his order. Bryan laughs and Kane says this is stupid. Bryan orders a steamed vegetable player and a tag team partner that isn’t a 7 foot freak. Shelby says this isn’t Kane, this is Gerald – our friendly waiter. Kane talks about he attacked the cook earlier and put his beard in everyone’s food. Tonight’s #RAWactive is for fans to pick the team name for Kane and Bryan. The options will be revealed later.
*Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs. Zack Ryder and Santino Marella
Young throws Ryder into the steel post and he goes to the floor. Titus tags himself in as Santino pulls out the Cobra on Young. Titus stops him and hits a big sitdown powerbomb for the win.
Winners: Darren Young and TitusO’Neil
- We see the closed dressing roomdoor of a special guest. JR says it’s a WWE alumni. Next Page >>